ok, i had my first encounter with a cockroach about half an hour ago. Oh my god!! i was washing my dishes and i noticed something big and brown moving around. luckily i had my rubber gloves on, so i grabbed some paper towel to try to catch it, but those little buggers are fast! so as it ran around my tiny kitchen with me screaming and trying to catch it, it managed to escape me by hiding under my fridge. I tried wiggling the fridge to see if it would come out, but it didn't, so i was sat on the opposite side of my apartment trying to convince myself that the last 10 min never happened. my phone rang and i picked it up and looked up to the ceiling and there it was! so naturally the freaking out started again. i was going to throw my heaviest book at, which i'm pretty sure is my lonely planet book, if it worked, i would have let them know that not only will the book help you get around but it will keep the bugs away too. anyways, i thought before i acted and realised my aim at trying to catch it wasn't working, so tossing a book at the ceiling probably wouldn't work either, so then i took out the vaccum cleaner. i sucked the bugger up, put a plastic bag on the end and tossed it on the balcony. as i put it out there i noticed either another cockroach or the same one that happened to fall out of the vaccum cleaner. either way, i don't want to open my balcony for a while. I just pray that while it was in my apartment it didn't lay eggs!!!!
i think now that it's warmer outside, the bugs are coming out and apparently they're pretty damn big here. anyways, i hope that was my last encounter with that and any other similar bugs
i think now that it's warmer outside, the bugs are coming out and apparently they're pretty damn big here. anyways, i hope that was my last encounter with that and any other similar bugs
ICK, I know what you mean about those damn bugs. I had never seen one until I moved to Japan. I only saw two the whole time I was there but that was more than enough. I couldn't believe how big they were. I was pretty paranoid for while after the sightings. YUCK!!
Lauren, at 9:57 AM
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