Last week was Golden Week in Japan, maybe the equivalent of spring break back home. I didn't really do too much that week, but I did try surfing for the first time! Well, I didn't actually surf, but I was out there trying. It is soooo much harder that I had ever imagined. First off, getting that wet suit on was a bit of a work out for me and then paddling out was really hard too. All in all, it was a lot of fun being in the ocean on a beautiful, sunny morning. I'm pretty sure I'll be trying it again soon and hopefully next time I will catch a wave and if that happens I have a feeling that I might get hooked. With my peppy schedule, surfing is the perfect sport to pick up. The surf is best in the morning and the earliest I start work is 3:45, so that's enough time to get to the beach and back in time for work.
Soon I won't have to deal with the wet suit struggle. Today the temperature reached 32 degrees, so soon I'm sure I'll be running into the ocean with just a bathing suit trying to escape the sauna that is already beginning to heat up.
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